Preposition Position: in, at, on

B. Preposition Position: in, at, on
a. In: in a room; in a garden; in a line; in bed; in the sky; in an office; in a photograph; in a book; in a letter; in the front; in the back of the car; in hospital; in prison; in jail. (e.g. Tom’s mother is in hospital)
b. use in when we are thinking about the building itself. (not at the hotel) (e.g. We had dinner at the hotel. All the rooms in the hotel have air conditioning. (not at the hotel))
c. normally use in with cities, towns and villages. But we can use at or in when we think of the place as a point or station on a journey. (e.g. Does this train stop at (or in) Nottingham? (= at Nottingham station))

B1. At: at the bus stop; at the door; at the window; at the top (of); at the end (of); at the front; at the back of a building; at theatre; at sea (= on a voyage); at home; at work; at university; at a party or at a concert (at an event); at (an event takes) places; at the station; at airport; at somebody’s house; at the doctor’s; at the hairdresser’s etc.
a. at the corner or on the corner of a street. (e.g. There is a post box at/ on the corner of the street.)

B2. On: on the wall; on the nose; on a page; on the island; on the right-hand side; on the ground floor; on a map; on a Manu; on a farm (e.g. In Britain we drive on the left. (or on the left-hand side.); a place in on a river/ on a road/ on the coast; on the way (e.g. We stopped at a small village on the way to London.); on the front; on the back of a letter/ piece of paper etc. (e.g. Tom wrote the letter on the back of the photograph.)
a. We usually say on a bus; on a train; on a plane; on a ship but in a car/ in a taxi. (e.g. The bus was very full. There were too many people on it.) We say on a bike (= bicycle)/ on a motorbike/ on a house. (e.g. Jane passed me on her bike.)

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