English Structure

A. English Structure: Sentence, Clause, Phrase, Word, Alphabet

B. Sentence is a group of words that is complete in itself, usually containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, instruction, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and starts with a capital letter in writing, and finishes with a period ‘.’.
B1. A simple sentence, compound sentence, and complex sentence
B2. Some subordinate clauses can come in front of the main clause.

B3. Four Sentence TypesDeclarative, Imperative, Exclamatory, and Interrogative Sentences

C. Clause is a group of words and a unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence consist of a subject and predicate (e.g. Subject + Verb).
C1. All Clauses in English have at least two parts: a Noun Phrase and a Verb Phrase.
C2. Clause types: Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamative clause

D. Phrase is a small group of words without a subject + verb component.
D1. Noun Phrase is just a noun or a pronoun.
D2. Verb Phrase is a main verb, auxiliary verb and modal verb.
D3. Prepositional Phrase is made up of a Preposition and a Noun Phrase.

E. Word: is a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others or alone to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed. 

F. Alphabet: is a standard set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used to represent of writing and speaking language. The English alphabet is consisting of 26 letters, from A to Z.

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