Passive Form Use (2)

E4. use have something done to say that we arrange for somebody else to do something for us. (e.g. Julie repaired the car. (= she repaired it herself) vs. Julie had the car repaired. (= she arranged for somebody else to repair it))
a. can also say ‘get something done’ instead of ‘have something done’ (mainly in informal spoken English). (e.g. When are you going to get the car repaired? (= have the car repaired))
b. Sometimes have something done has a different meaning. (e.g. Bob and Joe had all their money stolen while they were on holiday.) This does not mean that they arranged for somebody to steal their money. They had all their money stolen’ means only: ‘all their money was stolen from them’.
c. can use have something done to say that something happens to somebody or their belongings. Usually what happens is not nice. (e.g. Gary had his nose broken in a fight. (= his nose was broken))

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Phrasal Verb - Ask

ask after someone means to ask for information about how they are, especially about their health (e.g. Ann was asking after my mother. I told her she was fine.)
ask around means ask people the same question for help or information (e.g. He asked around to find out if anyone could rent me a room.)
ask for means to request to have or be given that you want someone to do something. (e.g. If you asked for the pork, you're asking for trouble. It's very dangerous there.)
ask someone in/ over means to invite someone into your home/ house. (e.g. If someone comes to the door, don’t ask them in. Jay asked me over for a cup of coffee this morning.)
ask someone out means to invite someone to go out with you, especially invite on a date. (e.g. Jon normally ask his friend out for dinner every weekend.)

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