Enough and too

A. Enough goes after adjectives and adverbs (e.g. Let’s go. We’ve waited long enough)
A1. too~: more than is necessary, not ~ enough: less than is necessary

B. enough normally goes before nouns. (e.g. enough money)
B1. We didn’t have enough time (not the time wasn’t enough), There is enough money (not the money is enough)

C. say enough/too ~ for somebody/ something (e.g. This house is too big for us.)
C1. But say enough/ too ~ to do something (not for doing) (e.g. They’re too young to get married.C2. I can hardly do something = it’s very difficult for me, almost impossible.

D. The food was very hot. We couldn’t eat it = The food was so hot that we couldn’t eat it = The food was too hot to eat. (without it)