
A. Pronoun is word that use in the place of a full noun

B. Personal Pronounssubject (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) and object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them)

C. Demonstrative Pronoun: this, that, these and those. can use ‘this’ (singular) and ‘these’ (plural) as pronouns

D. Reflexive Pronoun; to denote a pronoun that refers back to the subject of the clause in which it is used.
D1. Reflexive Pronoun: A friend of mine, my own house, on my own/ by myself

E. Relative Pronoun:
E1: Relative Pronoun: Subject
E2. Relative Pronoun: Object
E3. Relative Pronoun: Object (Whom)
E4. Relative Pronoun: Possessive (Whose)
E5. Relative Pronoun: That
E6. Relative Pronoun: What, Which, When, Where

F. Reciprocal Pronouns: each other and one another

G. Indefinite Pronoun: some~, any~, no~, every~

H. Other Pronouns: one and ones, etc.

I. Dummy Subject: There and It 

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