Weather (2)

C. Wet Weather
C1. The wet weather scale gets stronger from: damp -> drizzle -> pour down -> downpour -> torrential rain -> flood
C2. Shower: short duration

C3. Storm: high winds and rain together
C4. Thunderstorm: thunder and heavy rain
C5. Hailstones: small balls of ice falling from the sky
C6. Overcast: very cloudy

D. Mist and fog
D1. Haze/ hazy: light mist, usually caused by heat
D2. Mist/ misty: light fog, often on the sea, or cause by drizzle
D3. Fog/ foggy: quite thick, associated with cold weather
D4. Smog: mixture of fog and pollution (smoke + fog)

E. Wind
E1. Breeze: enough to cool
E2. Wind: fancy going sailing
E3. Blustery: the umbrella will just blow away
E4. Gale: crazy to go sailing
E5. Hurricane

(Source: English Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press)